Christmas is coming soon! Time to get those small Christmas layouts out and start prepping them for the holiday season!
Lou Angelucci was kind enough to contact me and send a few images of his N scale Christmas layout.
Per Lou: “It goes under the tree. It is meant for artificial trees and not the real ones. It measures about 5 ft square and all the electronics are my doing in terms lighted trees, housing street lights etc. At the press of several buttons it will play Bell sound Christmas Carols from the red church on the hill. Two other sound boxes are assembled which play a variety of train sounds including Thomas the Tank engine sounds. It has working cross bucks which are the Kato automated variety and working traffic signals at the town main intersection. The little guys just love it”
Lou says he is also working on a bigger N scale layout in his basement with a winter scene, a fall scene and a summer one as well. Lou may be sharing that layout in the near future as well.
I know there are several of you out there with Christmas layouts! Please send in a picture or two, lets see how many we can get! Just send me a note through the Feedback Form and I will get you where to send the pictures.
I love the gold train and wish I could find one, if I only knew what brand it was. Thanks, Mark