The title says it all. My time has been very limited over the last month. Between work, family and the Small Layout Design Meet I have had little time for my own train ambitions. As a result it has been a month since my last post. On the good side, I have made it a policy to never let more than a month go by without a post and publishing this post ensures that I have not failed on that goal.
The Small Layout Design Meet was very much a success and it looks like another is in store for 2014. As part of the event, everyone took a turn telling about there layout/subject they brought to the meet. The format for next year will most likely be very similar and at the same location. My only regret was that I did not bring my good camera and I did not take enough pictures and notes about everyone’s layouts. What I was able to catch is on the Small Layout Design Meet web site.
Everyone at the meet made time to take a ride on the live steam railway at the museum. The photo below is a group photo with many of the attendees at the event.
I want to give a very big thanks to everyone who attended and a special thanks to those who helped out setting up, taking down and prodding me along to make sure the event happened!