Now for Something Completely Different

Train Order

I have been posting to this web site for some time now. Most times I will get out one article a month but things have been busy here and I have not had much time. Hence I have missed a couple months during 2015. I believe people like the site as I get 100-200 views every day. I write the articles in on this website because I enjoy sharing the many facets of the hobby.

I have decided to change things a bit. I have added some free advertising for a few of my favorite model railroad information sources like Model Rail Radio Podcast, A Modelers Life Podcast and Model Railroad Hobbyist Magazine. I think since they provide a free service to us why not advertise for them.

The look of the site will also be changing as well. The old way “works” but I want things to be organized a bit better. Honestly the subjects of the site have changed over time and I need to update the content with better menus, links and searchable content.

To encourage more content, I am opening up the site to others who would like to write articles, post photos of your work, industry news and upcoming events. If you would like to join the fun, feel free to contact me at

I want to thank everyone for reading!

Author: Marshall Stull

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